More than Skin Deep: What’s your Dream of Care? The Verbatim Formula, Battersea Arts Centre, 2022.
© Paula Siqueira
Using dance, music, verbatim, storytelling and beatboxing (Lakeisha Lynch-Stevens, Conrad Murray / Beats and Elements), care experienced young people shared uplifting and challenging reflections on the care system. The performance, a collaboration between The Verbatim Formula, Wandsworth Council and Battersea Arts Centre, explores the positive potential of foster care through creative practices. The event was followed by a reflective discussion on how we change the stigma and negativity attached to being in care.
Introduced by an academic team based at Queen Mary University of London and The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, University of London, the TVF methodology facilitates these conversations by recording and anonymously sharing the voices and experiences of these young people. They can talk freely about their lives, from the most difficult to the most loving and rewarding experiences, and in doing so develop their sense of confidence and security.
Watch the More Than Skin Deep film, to find out more here.
Lost and Foundling: Exploring the complex stories of people in care 2023
Music Facilitator / Mentor - Lakeisha Lynch-Stevens
Battles: Slay Your Dragons 2023
Care-experienced young people use arts to share experiences of facing the battles and slaying dragons in the care system today
Artist / Facilitator - Lakeisha Lynch-Stevens