Missing Theatre? Stream an open rehearsal live from the comfort of your phone on Tues 27th October 2020!
Battersea Arts Centre and Old Diorama have safely opened their doors to host two weeks of socially distanced R&D/rehearsals for brand new children's theatre show THE PIED PIPER & THE SILENT CITY created by Conrad Murray and Lara Taylor and produced by Benjamin Price.
Lakeisha Lynch-Stevens as Sally Snorkin
Conrad Murray as The Pied Piper
Kate Donnachie as Robyn
Nysza as Solo
David Bonnick Jr as Tempo
Chris Renegrade as Bobo
Jashaun as Tiny Tempo
Seth as Quaver
Eileen as Coda
Jason as Mayor
Follow @BatterseaArtsCentre on instagram to stream the live sharing Tuesday 27th October 2020 5pm of THE PIED PIPER & THE SILENT CITY for an exclusive look at the open rehearsals!